Our work on UKSA PLATOR Project Published

This joint work between University of Surrey and University of Leicester has been presented on the International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD)at ESOC Darmstadt.

The paper title: Trajectory Design and Navigation Analysis of a PLAsma TOrch Rocket Propelled Space Tug

PLATOR is a new electrothermal thruster for space logistics applications, developed by the University of Surrey and the University of Leicester. This paper describes the technology behind the development of the thruster and presents a mission scenario where a PLATOR-propelled spacecraft is used to capture and de-orbit the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Envisat satellite. The orbital transfer trajectory is designed using a time-optimal control approach, and the spacecraft’s state vector’s uncertainties are assessed through a covariance analysis. A navigation analysis is then performed to evaluate the spacecraft’s capability to autonomously track its motion during the transfer using GPS measurements. Finally, a target proximity phase is then simulated to demonstrate the spacecraft’s capability to rendezvous and dock with Envisat, using the uncertainties obtained from the covariance analysis, showing the potential of the PLATOR thruster for in-orbit servicing and active debris removal applications.